Gustavo Sopena

Applied mathematician


Hi! I recently obtained a Master of Science degree in Applied Mathematics. One of the things I enjoyed the most was the programming aspect in solving problems. I have been programming in C++, Python, and MATLAB, since 2018 and graduate school reinforced my adoration of using computational tools in mathematics.

Throughout the master’s program, I learned about plenty of mathematical algorithms ranging from Newton’s Method for root finding to Tikhonov Regularization for parameter estimation of a model. I also developed my skills in data analysis, such as employing Logistic Regression and Neural Networks for classification problems. During my undergraduate studies, I worked on research projects during the summer and had the opportunity to attend JMM 2020 and present some of my research findings.

In my spare time, I like to dive into new technologies and programming languages. For example, I had the opportunity to use GitHub Copilot and test its capabilities. I started to program in Rust, write Shell scripts, and read about Javascript. Data querying, cleaning, and manipulation with SQL and R follows closely. I constantly seek ways to “automate the boring stuff”, through computer applications or developing the solution on my own.

My main mathematical interests are:

Fun Facts:

Feel free to browse through some of the projects I have worked on.